Iwan Iwanoff was prolific. Lucky Perth. This modernist piece is located in the inner-city garden suburb of Coolbinia. Perths Best Architecture has covered this one recently, if you haven't checked the site, you should. Over there, its all about architecture. Over here, well, just look at the "labels" list for this blog. This may be the Flaumen residence, 1965. Sources sketchy on that one.

Now this one, kills two birds with one stone. There's a nice flow from the last photo, and Harry Seidlers QV1 in the background will take me from this tangent, and back to another Iwanoff.

We're back. Yes. Another Iwanoff residence. I found out about this one, from an anonymous comment left here. Thanks, Anonymous person. Dalkeith Iwanoff. Year and name, unknown to me. Probably mid 60's. However, it should be said that these houses hurt me. Really, it actually hurts.
As my colleague said today "what the fuck do you think the posty said when he came across this for the first time?". The art of the letter box. Iwanoff was clearly as much artist as architect.

Back in the epicentre of Iwanoff terriory - Dianella. AKA Iwanella, home to many, many Iwanoffs, such as the utterly spectacular Masala House. The Feldman House, 1968, predated Masala by 6 years. Great detail, as usual, starting with the letter box, and finishing off with a good dash of Mike Brady. Fantastic.
So, there we have it. Three more Iwanoff buildings, taking the total on this site, to twenty five. Very prolific! I'm sure there are more Iwanoff's to come. (wink).
In the meantime, it could have been another abandoned building post, but really, it was sunny outside, so I stopped right here. William St, Northbridge.

Just across the street was much better. Dutch artist Amok, from Amsterdam, home of, well, everything good, has been busy with the locals. His international flavor on William St, Northbridge, adds nicely to the pallet already on offer. Thanks Amok, thanks locals. Panoramic picture, click for the full version.
Stopping there was probably sensible. Theres a few junkies who live in that old building who can be kinda hostile sometimes. Be careful with that old one.
this isn't the Flaumen residence, that is over the road.
Quite right, Anonymous.
That isn't the Flaumen residence. That was number 30. For pictures of how it looked before it was sold a year or so ago, see here: http://www.paragonproperty.com.au/pol/property/search.asp?f_propertyID=1046465&xsl=4465
Wow, what a spin out to stumble upon this website. I actually grew up in an Ivanoff home in Dinaella heights, on the same street as the Marsalas. Also, the Flaumen's are my grandparents, and Edi Flaumen was personal friend of Mr Ivaoff/Iwanoff bothn in Europe and then by an incredible chance meeting, is Australia also (somewhere stored away there are even some caricatures Ivanoff did of the Flaumen family).
Anyway, by chance, I just stumbled on your website as I was looking up 1960's architecture for ideas for a house. As i no longer live in Perth, seeing all those Iwanoff houses on your website brought back great memories.
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