On this day, visitors to this abandoned building included photographers, artists, and models. Progressive parents had bought their children down to play. One young child was particularly proud of his collection of empty spray cans (thousands litter the floor), his father, not so impressed with the haul. Males, females, young and old. There were no laws, no restrictions, no rules. Smoking inside was OK. Spontaneous conversations were struck with complete strangers. A friendly vibe filled the air. A perfect juxtaposition of respect, and anarchy.
EDIT : There is now a PART TWO of this building, with other area's of magnificent decay! CLICK HERE for Part Two)

To get a sense of the scale, in the first photo, look at the man, standing in the background just above the yellow tag. At a guess, I would say an eight level apartment block could be built entirely inside this space, with room to spare.
Another of Perth's cultural and architectural highlights for sure.
Another of Perth's cultural and architectural highlights for sure.
Great post. Where's this one located?
Wattup G - its the fremantle power station, I don't know the street address, I just know where it is! google should find it for you. Just out of freo by car, heading south, can't miss it.
Amazing pictures, love the direction and angles! please post some more!
Hello, i'm Brandon a 22 yr old Journalism student ,i would like to which is the best time of the day to enter the site and how to enter, is it through a hole in the fence??
I would just love to visit the place and take photos, i heard that there is an underground tunnels entrace which is connected to the Freo prison!!!
My guess is that the tunnels entrace lies within the cooling pond, there is a ladder where you can climb down!, similar looking ladder to the Freo prison.
So yeah, has anyone found the tunnels entrance?
and i drove past the station last night around 7;30pm and saw the security lady open the gates and drive around the complex.
Didn't see any dogs, maybe the signs are used as a detterant.
Has anyone else seen the security dogs??
If it were my way, free entry to the site 24/7!!
Thanks Brandon. Entry is very easy- just look for a hole in the fence... No idea about the tunnels, would be great if anyone had any further info! Thanks for the comments!
I believe there are a lot of poisons from transformers on site, which is why it wasn't demolished before. Also asbstos.
Hey TWOP - yep, its gotta be good for what ails ya!
there are no more transformes on site... not even optimus. And no the tunnel entrance is not in the cooling ponds (they do have small tunnels that connect outside to the lagoon though). The tunnel can be accessed in the basenent level of the asbestos ridden building that is boarded up. However it runs for a mere 150meters and is welded up by the biggest fucking steel plate ever. Hope that helps...
The top is pretty amazing
Thanks Steve - I saw that photo on display at the Kurb gallery William St, a few months back. Nice job!
Haha i know that Datsun... used to sit outside. I remeber throwing rocks and bricks at it.
Guess someone moved it inside.
Pretty cool that its been there for so long.
Freo power station is now used on a regular basis by a number of amateur and Professional photographers (upper and lower case intentional !!!) but there are security patrols but not regular...you just have to keep your head down and not take vehicle there. Also sometimes squatters inside but generally harmless.
Amateur photographer here! Photo's above were taken with a several-years-old happy snappy Panasonic point-and-shoot.
OMG this reminds me of the grand central station in boston
So its 2012. How is eastern europe?
Just checked, that Datsun is back outside...
Hey Overdrive. Eastern Europe was great, I got there earlier than expected. But, should be back again this year. ;)
Does anybody know of the murders in the office? I hear rumours.. but yet i find this outstandindingly interesting (if that is even a word!!) I mean photos are amazing.. but the feeling of being inside that place is just eery and fantastic. I love it.
got done for trespassing there the other day :(
THIS PLACE IS AMAZING ! It is one of the most amazing abandoned buildings in Perth and is so much fun to explore. The tunnels are inaccessible as there is a metal plate welded into place to stop people getting to the other buildings. You can get onto the second roof from the top if you dare to risk your life on rickety old metal stairs. I've been there heaps at countless times of the day but only last Saturday did I ever see security there. Hopefully someone minimally hurt themselves and security will be gone in a week or so, if they block the Power Station off as they did to the old Swanbourne Mental Asylum, Perth will lose a interesting and fun abandoned building.
I am another that can't help but be drawn to the building. After finding a suprisingly easy way to access the place a security guard in a little white car turned up. At the same time about 5 or 6 young blokes scurried out, not to mention 2 older chaps that were taking they're dogs for a walk. I waited and waited for the guard to leave but he was adamant he was going to ruin my fun and ruin it he did. But make no mistake, I'll be back!
There is a big new fence around the whole building now. Killjoys council. Booo
Really like going to this place have been quite a few times over the years, when we were younger we use to climb the metal frames to the upper floors and now I have even taken my kids there. Its an amazing old building but I think next time I will go more prepared, with a crow bar etc to get into the boarded up rooms, there is a beautiful marble staircase in there.
Would love to go to the Swanbourne asylum, I didn't know it was there, looks amazing, does anyone know how to get in?
i really need to go there to film and take photos but im afraid of the security... how often do they go on patrol and on what times? i really want to go but this is stopping me.... do you get fined if youre caught and if so does anyone know how much?
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