Take a look at the next two photos. What do they have in common? When I received this in my email, my first reaction was "are you shitting me?". The top photo was taken by a regular visitor to this site, I'm sure he will comment below. Whatup, V!
Totally inspiring. The cranes below are known amongst craners as the "Four Kings". Similar to the drive of a mountain climber, Perth's "craners" just want to bag another summit. V has done them all. Whilst I can't condone this behaviour, I can't also not not condone this behaviour. That should get me off the legal hook. One more thing, before we move on, I would not not like to see any copy-cat photos emailed to me. I mean, I really, really, would not not hate to see people doing this sort of stuff on a regular basis. Just don't not do it!
For those that need clarification, yes, the first photo was taken from one of the cranes in the second photo. The photo matter *is* one of the cranes in the second photo.
Back to Perth's lane-ways. I prefer to call them alley-ways, it sounds dirtier. Another great CBD location. The following four photos are all from the same alley, it is seriously in the absolute middle of the CBD. The potential of all of these locations is astounding. M-ust---re-sist--com-par--is---on--to-MEL---BOURNE!!!
Also, I recommend not not sitting down in the peace and quiet of that space, and not not enjoying a nice alcoholic beverage.
Harry Seidler's QV1 doesn't really fit in to this post. But, fuck it, its the best tower in Perth, and looks at its best at night, in winter. The sun has gone down, the office lights are on, and the busy little workers are still pumping out memos, papers, and tps reports, instead of, well, something better.
For the outsiders (people from overseas or interstate, and people north of Walcott St), the last photo shows an insight into the business premises slightly north of the CBD. Not much to be said, it just looks great at night. The trading hours of this den of iniquity are an example to service providers everywhere. For the locals, keep Pier St in mind next time you are looking for a late-night ATM - trust me, its the only one in this neighbourhood.
Correction. Sarah's also has an ATM. So I'm told.
I stand corrected! Interestingly, the lights of this one have been switched off for a few nights in a row. This is the first time I have ever seen it closed!
The sign on the door says it is closed for renovation. Helpfully, the sign also advises 24hr service is available at Sarah's, around the corner.
Thanks Bento. Although I am not a user of the establishment, I would have missed the brightly lit facade, and its impact on an otherwise dull streetscape. Its great to have them in the neighbourhood, I hope they stick around.
I agree. It's just around the corner from our place. Mrs Bento and I nearly break our necks each time we drive past Sarah's, trying to get a glimpse down the corridor.
Hey I know that photo! The fucking coldest night of the year to be up on a fucking crane! And to be honest I'm not exactly sure its the latest craze to be sweeping perth... I could only find 2 other dickheads who'd come with me! Anyways N check your email in a day or so...
Vast, nice to hear from you! Best comment I have heard so far regarding your exploits - "faith in humanity restored". I look forward to the email, take care!
oh sad. i just walked past that alley today. i used it for my thesis a few years ago and today i noticed they've put a gate at the entrance. damn sad, it's a great spot.
Yes, I noticed the gate as well. It is sad, as it was a nice quiet spot in the middle of the city. Ideal to take a break, and escape the hustle and bustle of the near-by consumers. Thesis? What was the topic?
yeah my architecture thesis. i looked at terrain vague in perth. looking at different types of marginalised spaces, what made them that way, what effect they have on the space around them and hypothesised cultural/subcultural uses given that these spaces aren't attractive to mainstream commercial, but are far from useless.
but the C.O.P's answer is to gate them off or stick a bronze statue in the middle...
alley-ways lo-ook li--ke MEL---BOURNE!!!
Ah I have fond memories of exploring allay-ways like these when I use to skateboard. Sometimes you would even get homeless people trying to sell you drugs, which just added more character to those places.
yo N. whatup. good to see 6000times is still kickin it. been a while since I checked in. love that entertainment center writeup. Dope adventures homeboy. stay safe PCE.
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