UPDATE: OCTOBER 2010 - the bottom of this post has links to over thirty Iwan Iwanoff projects, all featured here.
UPDATE: JULY 2019 - links are fixed. After all this time, this blog continues to be visited by Iwan Iwanoff fans from around the world. Hi from somewhere in Eastern Europe.
Frank Lloyd Wright meets Mike Brady. Marsala House, 1977, Dianella. Spectacular. This, like many others here, is world class. If Marsala was in LA, there would be 30 years of magazine articles on it by now.

Back to Dianella - Kessel House, 1975.
Still in Iwanella (1969)...
The 1969 Burszyten House, located in Iwanella.
The Iwanoff House, his former residence, 1966, Floreat. Detailed letter-box articulation is a recurring theme.
Two Iwanoff "town houses" metres from the beach in Cottesloe. In places, age is getting the best of them. Time for some repairs at the Glencser Duplex...
There are a few more houses I know of, the Mount Lawley and Coolbinia examples are nearby, so I will get them up here soon. Northam Town Council is possibly the most brutal looking building in all of Western Australia. I have a couple of other commercial premises to add as well. Some interior shots, and some drawings could also be on the cards. Keep checking back, or subscribe to this blog (is that even possible? ...sounds good though...)
Just like the Pet Shop Boys, Huey Lewis and the News, and Lionel Richie, Iwan Iwanoff died in 1986.
UPDATE: SEPTEMBER 2010. There are now almost thirty Iwan Iwanoff buildings featured on this website. I will add more links soon, so feel free to bookmark this page.Click on any line below for more info.
UPDATE: JULY 2019 - links are fixed. After all this time, this blog continues to be visited by Iwan Iwanoff fans from around the world. BTW, someone poached the orginal domain name "6000times.com", which broke the links. Hi from somewhere in Eastern Europe.
- April 2009 : Tombidis House, Wright House, Maxwell House, Piccini House, Shops/Medical Center, Hi Fi Recording Studio
- April 2009: Golvin House, Coolbinia House (un-named), Northam Town Council an Library, Tomich House
- May 2009 : Schenberg House
- September 2009 : White House
- November 2009 : Golovin House
- September 2010 : Frank House, Feldman House, Schmidt-Lademann House
(so far 22 Iwan Iwanoff's indexed on this page ... I am increasing the size of all photos and tidying things up as I go, this list will be complete soon!)
hi, i worked on masala renovations with d+w. PS who are you?
lets talk iwanoff,,,
Great post!
Didn't know these places existed in Perth.
They look awesome, very unique.
Hi Clare, I'm a long time Iwanoff follower (passionate interest in architecture in general). It has only been fairly recently that I realised that the Golovin house, which I have lived near for the last twenty years, and the Paganin house, were both by the same architect. It all made so much sense. So, I have started to take photos. If you know of any more, or need any addresses, let me know. Nate.
PS - so the Masala renovations are going on now, right?
Hey Nate i enjoyed seeing your photos... have loved those houses for years,hope your well !
Hey Ang, thanks! I knew you were an Iwanoff fan! Hope all is well for you, all good here.
thanks for the wonderful iwanoff pics, i love his work.
do you have an address for the coolbinnia house?
Hi Janine, the Coolbinia house is 30 Meenaar St.
Thanks for the compliments!
Please note Ivan Ivanoff was BULGARIAN not Hungarian, so please correct....The reason for the v or the w is the translation of the Cyrillic script into Latin script with 'w' = into German/USA English and the 'v' = into English English and French.
Thanks for the correction - I had realised this some time ago, and forgot to update. Also thanks for the latin lesson!
FYI Theres a little known Iwanoff at
13 Minora rd. Dalkeith. Its a great
little project, check it out.
hi there,
bit of a long shot but does anyone know if iwan designed a house at 37 crescent, menora. bit of a long shot because i don't think its that similar to these other designs but someone i know seems to think it was designed by him. maybe it was early work???
I live in the Uk and was introduced to Iwanhoff by a good mate. Every time I come to Perth I always go and look at some of this houses (from the outside). They are unique and awesome and must be preserved. My favourite ones are in Dianella Heights.
try that again...
We live in one in City Beach - and you are right - they are amazing!
Don't tease! Which one?
Hey there. I know the house up top in Dianella. Walked past it yeaterday - we live in the poorer cousin area down the hill. Anyway, looks like it has been abandoned or undergoing reno's. Its all fenced off. Do you know anymore?? Would love to get inside for a look....
Renovations, not abandoned!
been like that for quite a while now. I ponder if the renovations have been abandoned...or just put on hold...???
hi Nate,
Mark here - very interesting site. i was talking iwanoff with Angelique.. sorry to not have followed up sooner with research etc. would be good to make contact. i got diverted in my research with residential perth architecture of the 50's 60, 70's (geoffrey summerhayes, and others in the hills) with very little published info available on perth it seems...
how are you going?
The house in the photograph labelled "another City Beach cinder block example" can be named "The Murphy House". It was built in 1970 and is still lived in by the original owners. In that time it has had only one minor alteration and a new kitchen (due to a fire in 1995).
Marsala house is definately undergoing restoration and renovation, a mamoth revival. Gotta get that disco floor back in action!!
Its the first 70's house to be recognised for its Heritage and hence has been placed on the state heritage list. Cant wait for the 70's parties to recommence. The last one before the renovations was incredible, even ABBA was there along with the original owners!!!!! Viva Iwanoff!!
The house at 7 Cranbrook street (corner of Meenaar Cres) may not be a Iwanoff. I saw it before it was renovated and while it is a good house, it lacked any sort of flair that might suggest Iwanoff. The interior was completely gutted and remodeled so you will get no clues there.
The house at 30 Meenaar cres is however definately an iwanoff as I spoke to the old bloke that lived there just as he was moving out (I was going through his skip looking for treasure). He was a personal friend of Iwanoff and confirmed the house was designed by him. The blue glass is awesome.
Hi Nate. Im doing my assignmetn about IWan Iwanoff and I really need you photos here. Those are awesome that can express what Im writing. WOuld you mind if i use those photos in my assignment???
Hi Hoang, please feel free to use the photos!
Good to see at last something on the net about this very talented mans work ....way ahead of his time.
A friend of mine has owned two of the Floreat houses both in the same street one number 16 was I believe Iwanoff's own home.
Great site
Thanks very much anonymous. Your friend is a fortunate person indeed!
I just discovered your blog. Keep up the great work.
Not sure if you know that his last home & studio is on the market right now. Lets hope someone buys it to preserve it and not knock it down.
We need to get Iwan's profile up and get something going to preserve them - they are heritage that needs preserving - City of Stirling is not interested. Not sure of any of the other council's maybe fellow Iwanoff owners can let you know.
I know of one that was recently knocked over on Armidale cresent.
Also the one at 7 Cranbrook st (cnr of Meenaar Cresent was definatly an Iwanoff - unfortunatly the new owners have really done a job on it. A friend of mine used to rent it. It is very similar inside to the one I bought. The very modest one at 30 Meenaar Cresent - inside though its full of Iwan's talent for inbuilt timber furniture & great light. The original owners whom i bought it off, didn't get consumed to do any renovations. They had only done an 80's bathroom & kitchen job - which I'm hoping to give an Iwanoff touch too when I can renovate them. I also have strong feeling that 8 Cranbrook is an Iwanoff - can anyone confirm?
Let's hope Lifford home of Iwanoff goes to a good home.
Thanks for the compliments Alex.
Number 8 Cranbrook is def an Iwanoff. Congrats on your purchase, it's a great little pad! The Lifford is amazing, however, out of my budget...
(and yes, number 7, really has had a job done on it!)
Hi Nate,
a friend who lives in California sent me a link to your blog, and so I learned about Ivan Ivanov, the architect. In Bulgaria he is practically unknown, and I think we can do something to change that. I work as an editor for Abitare Bulgaria www.abitare.bg and would like to ask you to share your findings with us.Please contact me at antonie@abitare.bg if you are interested. Antonie
Great forum....as the current owner of 7 cranbrook st (not responsible for the renovations) i would have loved to see it in its original form...a man seriously well in front of his time!
Thanks anon, glad you are enjoying your Iwanoff, how original is the interior?
loving it...interior unfortunately has been extensivlely tweaked during the renos...original boards and terrazo floors but new 'everything else'...
Marsala House Lives
It had an extensive restoration and renovation. No longer abandoned, unloved or 'put on hold' just topping up the lost blood!!
Viva Iwan the Great Revival
There is an Ivanoff house on Palmerston street, Northbridge. The original family still own it. It's the only acre block left. You can't miss it - big concrete fence wall with "private property/no trespassing" signs.
Having stumbled upon your work less than 24 hours ago, something immediately drew me to the Iwanoff pictures. On a hunch I visited my grandmother today and asked if my grandfather, who established one of the first electrician businesses in Wembley Downs, ever worked with Iwan. As it turned out, my grandmother knew the name right away. Apparently my grandfather worked extensively with "Mr Iwanoff" on many of his projects and had a great respect and appreciation for his work. Its been great to recapture this small piece of family history through your work, thank you.
I see Abitare magazine Bulgaria will have a section on Iwanoff in their next edition. A great tribute from his home town!
James V !! It wasnt your grand parents that Iwanoff built the house in Booker St Dianella for was it? Apparently the original owner of that property was an electrician. Cheers Mark, Marsala House
This is a great website. It is a shame that people have painted the concrete block houses white - the unpainted ones have aged beautifully - the whitewash that many new owners have done flattens them & destroys their organic, sculptural quality. Are these buildings heritage protected in any way?
Lifford Street Floreat on the market EOI. Check out pics on real estate webs - incredible! I live in Coolbinia but sadly don't own an Iwanoff - yet!
lovely homes , does anyone know where some of the original owners are now or what they were doing when they engaged Iwan Iwanoff to build these masterpieces ?
The Marsala family for instance what profession/business where they in at the time they built Marsala house ?
Marsala House in Dianella on market too! The boys look like they have done a brilliant job of restoration. Two home opens I won't be missing!
I just twigged on what these reminded me of. The Pierre Koenig house in California. > http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/34/js03q.jpg/ . Maybe an inspired disciple?
I too am a massive Iwanoff fan. Happened to be driving down The Boulevard in Floreat today and discovered the Paganin House at 165 is up for auction 13th April. Home opens every Saturday 12-1pm til then. Simply can't miss this opportunity to see inside. Emily.
Hello, does anyone know how much 165 The Boulevard Floreat sold for?? Thanks
That is so funny! A week ago a watch the movie King's Speech and I started hopping from link to link when I finally remembered my connection with Australia. Iwan Iwanoff's father was my father Godfather. Did you get it? Is there any way to contact his children. I am continuing my search...
I am impressed my his work.
That is so funny! A week ago a watch the movie King's Speech and I started hopping from link to link when I finally remembered my connection with Australia. Iwan Iwanoff's father was my father Godfather. Did you get it? Is there any way to contact his children. I am continuing my search...
I am impressed my his work.
Another one in Claremont. 9 Park lane. Will be going up for auction very soon.
^^ my mistake above.. actually an Iwan Jordanhoff.
I really enjoyed looking at the masterpieces Iwanoff has produced, definitely ahead of his time for Perth! I just would like to say that Karrinyup Shopping centre is actually one of the BEST retail centres in Perth! You obviously haven't been to the real bad ones??!!
Hi Nate,
I'm a builder in melbourne with an architecture passion an an Instagram page (@combconstruction) full of interesting stuff. I'd like to do a series on Iwanoff using your pics. Are you on Insta, what can I credit them as?
Hi, Australians, YOU JUST MADE MY DAY!
A Bulgarian architect in New York, I first heard of IVAN IVANOFF in 1979 or 80 or 81 in Plovdiv, and got immediately enthusiastic and wanted to write a study in the National arch. magazine but couldn't get ANY PICTURES.
A Bulgarian lady architect PENKA (KALAMARES ? Oh, a long story: a student of my mother-artist, Penka while studying in Sofia fell in love with a Greek/Austr. arts student and they got married -against the then rules- and eventually escaped to Australia, where she got a job with Ivan Ivanoff -pronounced Eevan!
One day many years later she returned -divorced of course- to see her teacher and showed us pictures of what she and Ivanoff have been doing; but never returned my call for more photographs, on paper of course at that time).
I do not find any stylistic parallel, any influences, any INSINCERITY in his work.
Makes me proud, actually.
And happy indeed, that others VALUE AND KNOW his Opus too in such detail - BRAVI, U R DA BEST.
Peter.Stefanov.D at GMail
BTW: The spelling of Cyrillic words is tricky; official administration uses for passports some rigid transliterations which distort the actual pronunciation. His name is pronounced Eevanoff (the end-V or "W" -nonsense- gets obscured)
Well, well, all 6 six of the lINKS below the post are broken - would you fix them, the subject matter is extremely interesting . . .?
Actually, on October 2010 you promised that there will be 30 THIRTY of his works linked; any hope to see them?
Thx, best rgds, Peter
Hi, Australians FROM PERTH IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF ИВАН ИВАНОВ, I am an Bulgarian architect in New York.
I wanted to write an article about Ivanoff in the National ARCHITECTURE magazine back in 1979 (40 years ago, yes!) at having had a glimpse of his works from Penka, a lady-colleague from Perth; however she never supplied me with info / photos . . . No internet in 1979 . . .
Of course SNAPshots = still photos never reveal truly any architecture in space/time, for it is supposed to be experienced by entering, walking around, circling; so I wonder if you being around in HIS neighbourhood why not FILM VIDEO CLIPS AND PUBLISH, pls?
With or without STEADYcam harness, all will be welcome and appreciated, do not be shy! Nowadays videorecording is in everybody's pocket, every police bodycam.
BTW, is this blog still alive, I wonder? I tried a posting once, I EMailed through the box up-rught side - NOTHING, no result. Newest entry is of Jan'17 with question, but no answers, what a pity!
Pls react and respond!
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Hi there. Feel free to comment, but keep this in mind:
This is a happy place, lets keep it that way, together. In this day and age of spam and idiots, I need to check every comment before it gets published. If it's now 2013, odds are I'm on a tropical beach somewhere in South East Asia, or possibly checking out some abandoned Soviet-era architecture in Eastern Europe, and maybe your comment won't appear for some time. But leave one anyway! If you have a personal message for me, I won't publish the comment, so feel free to submit it here. Thanks for checking out 6000TIMES, and have a nice day.